The average person has approx. 100 moles on their body! Moles that are suspicious, irritated, or cosmetically unappealing can be safely and easily removed. Mole removal is a very safe and common procedure performed in our medical office.
The mole removal process is simple. Generally, the area around the mole is numbed with a local anesthetic and the mole is removed flush with the skin, or by excision which may require a few sutures. The mole removal procedure is quick and painless. Once the mole is removed it’s examined under a microscope to ensure it’s not cancerous.
To be safe, you should have a full body skin exam every 2-3 years but if you have a family or personal history of skin cancer, in particular melanoma, we recommend a skin exam at least every year to check for suspicious moles. You can request a male or female physician so you feel most comfortable.
Call 909-981-8929 to schedule your mole removal consultation in Upland, CA.