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Category: Botox/Dysport

Happy Hour Lecture Series

Introducing our New Happy Hour Lecture Series!

Learn more about different skin conditions and treatments while enjoying happy hour refreshments and special gifts for all attendants

Join us for our first Happy Hour Lecture:

Have you thought about treatment with Botox or Dermal Fillers and just don’t know where to start? Come learn more about the basics of these cosmetic treatments at our Botox and Filler 101 course. This beginner’s guide offers straight talk on the lighter side of cosmetic treatments. Learn about Botox, Dermal Filler and wrinkle erasers to find out which may be right for you and what you should know about them.

Thursday, August 16th 2012

 Presentation by Erin Jensen PA-C

Register for event here: or call (909) 981-8929

Happy Hour refreshments will be served.

Attendants will receive discounts on future treatments with Erin Jensen PA-C

Future Happy Hour Lectures

September 20th, 6pm- ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ACNE


*pregnancy friendly mocktails for all moms-to-be!

Botox: Prevention is the Best Medicine

You may have heard that prevention is the best medicine, when it comes to your skin that couldn’t be more true. ABC News has recently reported that more and more young women are seeking non-surgical treatment to delay the signs of aging.  This is a growing trend that we have seen in our own office. More and more women in their late 20’s and early 30’s are seeking Botox and laser treatments to help prevent signs of aging. Once environmental damage (i.e. chronic sun exposure, smoking, ect…) has been done we are limited on ways to help correct it. However, if you employ preventative measures at an early age you will not have problem later down the line. If someone comes in for treatment in their 60’s to try to get rid of the deep wrinkled on the glabella (in-between the eyebrows) or forehead Botox will probably not work for them however, if you start using Botox in y our 20’s-30’s the deep wrinkles will never develop. More importantly young women should avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning beds. Chronic UV exposure not only increases your risk of skin cancer but it also breaks down collagen causing fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots.

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Wrinkle Wars: Botox vs Dysport vs Xeomin

There’s a new player in the Botox game… Xeomin!

The list of competitors to the game leader, Botox, is growing, but are any of the new products actually better? Or are all the new choices just making it more confusing? Botox, Dysport and Xeomin have a lot in common, but they also have some important differences. Unlike its predecessors, Xeomin does not need to be refrigerated. This may be an advantage when it comes to distribution. What’s more, Xeomin is “naked.” There are no additives — just botulinum toxin type A. This may lessen a patient’s likelihood of developing antibodies to Xeomin. When your body senses a foreign invader, it responds by creating antibodies and launching an attack. If this were to occur with a neurotoxin such as botulinum toxin type A, it may not have its desired effects. Xeomin is said to be more like Botox than Dysport. It takes about one week for the full effects of Xeomin injections to be realized, and once this occurs the results last from three to six months.

The Xeomin bottom line?

It works-and it’s probably and option that’s here to stay. Still wondering which of these injectable wrinkle relaxing treatments is better? Our view is that, like Coke vs Pepsi, it’s a matter of personal preference.

Perhaps you’d like to do your own “taste test” and try a Xeomin vs. Botox/Dysport experiment at our Xeomin Launch Party March 16th.

Bro-tox. Botox injections popular for men

By: Erin Jensen PA-C

Think Botox injections are only for women? Think again. ABC news is reporting that Botox injections for men are as popular as ever and we agree! We have many Botox patient who are male. The most common complaint I hear from men is that they feel like they look more tired then they actually are. Botox works well for both men and women. Men tend to have stronger muscles in their face and they may require more Botox than women to achieve the same results. As you can see in the pictures below Botox does not feminize his face; the treatment helps soften his wrinkles and allows him to look less angry.

Excessive sweating is the pits

Check out treatments for excessive sweating including prescription antiperspirants, botox and even shock therapy!

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New Hands for Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker Photoshop handsSarah Jessica Parker Photoshop hands before and afterimages via

As the quest for a perfect cover girl continues no body part is safe from photoshop, hands included! recently pointed out that Sarah Jessica Parker was the latest victim of over-photoshopping. We think Sarah Jessica Parker looks great but Maire Claire Magazine unrealistically made her hands look like those of a 16yr old.

Wonder what you can do to make your hands look younger? First off, make sure you’re slathering sunscreen on your hands on a daily basis to prevent sun damage. Most women have incorporated using sunscreen everyday on their face but may forget about other areas that have sun exposure, like the chest and hands.

Has the damage already been done? You can tighten skin and fade “sun spots” away by resurfacing the skin with a laser such as the MiXto Fractionated CO2 Laser. Another way to give your hands a more supple and youthful appearance is by a filler such as Radiesse. Placed beneath the skin, Radiesse raises the skin level so that tendons, joints and veins lose their prominence. Radiesse provides instant and long lasting results.

Less Wrinkles and More Choices. Xeomin: a New Botulinum Toxin

Xeomin new botox shar pei dog puppy
First there was Botox, then came Dysport, and come this spring there will be a third option: Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Xeomin in July 2011 for the treatment of severe frown lines or “11’s” between the eyes. Xeomin was already FDA approved for use in adults with cervical dystonia and blepharospasm.

While it’s still unknown how Xeomin will compare to Botox and Dysport, we do know that Xeomin is formulated differently without any additives possibly making it less likely to cause adverse reactions. Xeomin is also the only FDA-approved botulinum toxin that does not require refrigeration.

You’ll have to wait a few more months for Xeomin to be available. As soon as more information is available we’ll be sure to let you know.

Dermatology Perks

I think our office staff would agree that working in Dermatology has some great perks. When we receive new cosmetic products or samples we often have some of the office staff try them to get their thoughts and opinions. Today some of our staff were treated with Dysport. Below is a short video showing Alicia, our medical assistant, receiving her treatment.

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“Botox Mom” is a hoax… we could have told you that

I’m sure you’ve heard the recent story splashed all over the news… the extremely disturbing story about the mother who says she gives injections of Botox to her 8-year old daughter so that her daughter could more effectively compete in beauty pageants.  Child and mother were featured on Good Morning America and Inside Edition, and were mentioned on most local and national new broadcasts.  The story has received tremendous attention and authorities wanted to investigate the mother for child endangerment.  This negative press likely caused the mother to retract  her story and she now claims that she was being paid to make up the whole thing, and she insists that she never administered Botox to her daughter.

Well, I can sure tell you that as a dermatologist, watching the initial story, I knew from the get-go that this mom likely did not give her child Botox.  Any physician provider who administers Botox Cosmetic and watches the video of the mom allegedly administering Botox could tell you there are holes in her story!

Medical professionals who regularly administer Botox to patients (who are over 18 years old, of course!), only need to watch the story once to know that mom wasn’t telling the truth.  She was obviously NOT administering Botox to her child, and I’ll tell you how I know this.

If you look at this picture, it shows that mom has used a black marker to show where she is injecting Botox.  She has placed these black marks very evenly spaced over her daughter’s entire face!  Well, this makes no sense at all!   Remember, Botox injected into a specific muscle works by temporarily preventing that muscle from flexing.  For example, most popularly, we inject it in very minute doses into the muscles between the eyebrows to prevent these muscles from flexing and creating the furrows, or “11’s” between the eyes.  If this mom was injecting Botox into her daughter’s lips as she has marked in the photograph, her daughter wouldn’t be able to purse her lips, or drink out of a straw!  If her mom was injecting Botox into her daughter’s cheeks, her daughter wouldn’t be able to smile! The video shows her daughter speaking well and smiling often, so this is proof that she did NOT get Botox in those areas.  In fact, her daughter appears to be smiling, frowning, and speaking as any 8 year old girl would, except unfortunately, psychologically, she may have endured major permanent damage knowing that her mother convinced her to lie about getting Botox on national television.

I find fault in the news organizations that didn’t even do a simple fact check.  If they had interviewed any dermatologist or plastic surgeon who regularly administered Botox, holes would have immediately been apparent on the story.  It’s fortunate this story can’t be true because the pageant world would indeed have sunk to a new low!!

What’s New

In The Media and Other News

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Dr. Sandra Lee Discusses What To Do About Warts on Fox Studio 11 LA
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Get Rid of Sweaty Palms - Dr. Sandra Lee on Fox Studio 11
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