Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Mohs Micrographic Skin Cancer Surgery & Laser Surgery

Treat Your Acne Scars With Lasers

Acne, whether you’re a teen or an adult, is one of the most frustrating issues we have with our bodies. Not only is acne unsightly, but it can also be a painful, chronic problem that just won’t go away. Men and women with chronic nodular or cystic acne can find that their skin woes don’t end after a flare-up. Acne that occurs deep in the tissue can lead long lasting and even permanent scarring that is an unwanted reminder of an embarrassing period in your life.

Before and After Acne Laser TreatmentWhy Do We Get Acne Scars?

Acne scars form much like scars caused from cuts or burns. It’s not the acne itself causing your scars to develop but, rather, the immune response designed to help treat your acne. Cells sent to fight your acne infection can break down the surrounding tissue. Additionally, there can be an excess or scarcity of collagen fiber that helps restore tissue, which causes poor skin texture.

Types of Acne Scarring

Just like there are various forms of acne, there are various types of acne scars. Acne commonly causes atrophic, depressed scars because there is a loss of tissue during the healing process. Ice pick and boxcar scars are two typical types of atrophic scars.


Some people will develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation following an acne flare, which can create the appearance of scarring. This hyperpigmentation can be short-lived or can last a while. The length of hyperpigmentation ultimately depends on your skin type.

Laser Treatments for Acne Scars

Laser treatments are gaining popularity for treating various forms of acne because of their success at killing acne-causing bacteria. Lasers are also ideal for treating new or old acne scarring that is marring your complexion. Since acne scars tend to be more superficial, laser treatments are ideal because they work just below the surface of your skin.

Lasers work by burning away the damaged skin, allowing for a more controlled healing of the area. New collagen production around the treatment areas smooths out surface irregularities. Patients with hyperpigmentation also notice a significant improvement in the quality of their skin tone.

Benefits of Laser Treatments

  • Performed in-office and don’t require anesthesia
  • Work below the surface of your skin, unlike some over-the-counter creams
  • Can target various areas, including the face, neck, chest, and back
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Restore confidence by creating beautiful skin

If acne scarring is affecting your satisfaction with your skin’s appearance, schedule a consultation today at Skin Physicians & Surgeons. Call us at 909-981-8929 or contact us online.  

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